#Excel #VB

Combining Excel Sheets into One

Combining Excel Sheets into One PREWORK All sheets must be in the same format. Basically, this just copies and pastes each sheet into a combined sheet. No need to create a combined sheet. This macro will do that for you. This will only copy up to 65K rows per sheet. This is the limit of older versions of Excel. Enter Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications mode by pressing ALT + F11 Create a new module by clicking on Insert then Module Copy the following code then press F5 Sub Combine() Dim I As Integer On Error Resume Next Sheets(1). ...

#Lambda #AWS #CLI

Local to Lambda via Aws CLI

Problem Handing source control of Lambda functions from your local PC to AWS Lambda. I’ve overwritten code in one Lambda function thinking I was in another with the inline editor that is built within the AWS Lambda platform. This was totally my fault, but I would put a practice in place that would stop this from happening again. Solution Implement source control via BitBucket & Sourcetree. Develop locally and push coding changes up to S3 bucket (with versioning enabled) and update Lambda function code via CLI. ...